Third Song of the Servant (Is 50, 4-9)

+ Rebellion in Hamelin (Ismael Serrano – “The call” – 2014)

The third Canto deals with trust in the Lord. This trust is essential for the prophet to announce and denounce, but it is also essential for those who have to hear the Word of God through the prophet.

The Servant’s Song tells us: “Every morning, he awakens my ear so that I can listen like a disciple” (v4) Surely, a large part of the problem is a problem of listening, of discipleship . From this Song we could extract two simple teachings: not to be “back” , to be left over, and not to stop listening and putting my trust in the Lord because we are filling our lives with noise and trust in … Maybe in ourselves?

Says the singer-songwriter:

“Rebellion in Hamelin.
Don’t be conformist to me.
Remember to live,
Don’t let the piper fool you.

Rebellion in Hamelin.
Doubt the sound of inertia.
The world turns for you
When you are looking for the answers. ”

Do not be conformist, seek answers … in short, trust the one who has called us, that he, as he tells Moses or Jeremiah, will put the words in the mouth of the prophet.

If so, “who will condemn me?” (v9) It is necessary to ask yourself questions like this or as the song says “seek answers” .

We Christians in the 21st century must ask ourselves in whom we are placing our trust: in security, in comfort, in money, in politics? Let us doubt, as the song says, the sound of inertia and trust from the disciple’s listening.

Quique Fernandez

School of Biblical Animation

Miracle Sound Radio